One of the world’s most famous writers is certainly Hans Christian Andersen. The Danish author is widely known for his fairy tales for children. One of the most beautiful sayings about life came from his pen. He wrote: “Life itself is the most beautiful fairy tale”.
Being alive is the greatest gift you have been given. Burdened with existence, business plans and their realization, we forget to stop and feel all the blessings of life.
A man cannot be a successful businessman if he overdoes anything. The key characteristic of successful people is that they know when to stop, look around, but also at themselves.
The creativity of each project gives it originality in a market filled with monotony. Copy – Paste is a model we see often. It is a consequence of the loss of creativity.
Earlier generations built their creativity as children by reading the books of Hans Christian Andersen. Reading gives us ideas and develops the mind. Today, children don’t read, they watch “ready-made” “stories” on a small screen. Adults follow a similar path, they just watch more “mature” content.
Every successful businessman tells his “story”. Even Hans Christian Andersen understood this. “Everything you look at can be turned into a story… you can make a story out of everything you touch.”
So stop! Look around you, at yourself and at nature. Touch it! There are answers that, if you look closely, can be turned into a successful business story!
Don’t forget that business is not everything in life. Life is also a fairy tale, so live it joyfully.